Operation Murder (Boxed Game)

Operation Murder, Murder Mystery Party Game (14 players)
This Game has been out of print since 1996, it is a very rare audio cassette version.
Operation Murder
Killem Hall Hospital is pleased to invite you to a party to celebrate the opening of the new ‘Snife Wing’. The new wing will be formally opened by the chief executive of Killem Hall Primary Care Trust, our own Sir John Snife.
Killem Hall Hospital is the venue for a party to celebrate the opening of the new Snife Wing. Sir John Snife is the guest of honour and is treating the guests to his after dinner stories “Under the surgeon’s knife”. However before he could cut the ribbon and declare the new wing open, he dropped dead. Why did someone want him dead? What had they got to hide?
Find out the answers by hosting your own party to solve the mystery of Operation Murder.
Joining Sir John at the Party will be:
DEE SPENCE • Pharmacist (She’s got a pill for everything)
MAL PRACTICE • Surgeon (No nurse, I said “prick his boil”)
ANN T SEPTIC • Nurse (She’s squeaky clean, not!)
AACHEN HEAD • Doctor (Don’t worry about that case of VD, I’ll drink anything)
DREW BLOOD • Nurse (That’s a whole armful)
RAY D O'GRAPHER • X-Ray Operator (He’ll see right through you)
SISTER SLEDGE • Matron (Ooooh Matron)
WILLIE EVERWAKE • Anaesthetist (You’ll come round to his way of thinking)
CILLA CON • Plastic Surgeon (They can’t afford a real one)
LANCE BOYLES • Consultant (I guess it doesn’t matter any more)
EMMA ROIDS • Nurse (She’s a right pain in the backside)
AMMIN TRUBBLE • Doctor (Goodness Gracious Me)
CARRIE PATIENTS • Porter (She’ll pick anybody up)
PARRY MEDIC • Ambulance Driver (You can play with his Ding-a-ling)
• Invitations to be sent to your guest.
• Complete instructions on how to host the party.
• Character profiles for all forteen suspects.
• Costume suggestions.
• Menu suggestions.
• Clues
• Name Tags.
• Solution to the murder.
• Audio Cassette of the murder.
Good times for groups:
An excellent way to spend a role playing evening with friends.Each party takes 3-4 hours to play. They are filled with intrigue,suspense, humour and the fun of playing both detective and suspect. This game is designed to be played b 7 male and 7 female players.
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