Death of a Highwayman (Download Game)

Death of a Highwayman For 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 players (Age 13+).
Killem Hall Hospital is pleased to invite you to a party to celebrate the opening of the new ‘Snife Wing’. The new wing will be formally opened by the chief executive of Killem Hall Primary Care Trust, our own Sir John Snife..
Ivor Tankard, the jovial host of The Coach and Horses Inn, in Blackheath, London is holding a party to celebrate the exploits of the highwayman. There are even rumours that Dick Burpin himself may put in an appearance.
The guests will include:
Stan Deliver – Highwayman
Gerta Hanzupp – Lady highwayman
Ivor Tankard – Inn owner
Ann Deliver – Lady Highwayman
Evan Elpuss – Parson
Ima Sewandsew – Dressmaker
Jason D Villans – Guest at the Inn
Norma Snockers – Serving wench
Nic Zeeloot – Highwayman
Wendy Coach-Cumzin – Stagecoach driver
Mel O’Dee – Musician
Maeve Stowlitt – Shop owner
Download sample of Death of a Highwayman
All games come complete with full instructions, including:
Game Instructions
Costume Suggestions
Player Slips
Player Clues
Labels/Name tags
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Playing the game:
Death of a Highwayman is for 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 players. The actual game is sold complete with the different versions for each number of characters. As Mel O’Dee is a gender neutral character there can be a flexible number of male or female guests (4F/4M, 5F/4M, 4F/5M, 5F/5M, 6F/5M, 5F/6M, 6F/6M, 7F/5M).
Games usually take two and a half to three hours and are designed to be played around a meal or a buffet.
SUITABLE FOR adults and mixed teens.
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